A New Business Venture

A New Business Venture

Create A Timeline To Ensure A Smooth Moving Process

by Erin Mitchell

Moving is tough. Everything you own has to get packed up and brought to the new location and your entire routine is going to need to change. Fortunately, there are ways to make the process less painful. Creating a timeline will go a long way towards that goal.

Start As Soon As You Know You Will Be Moving

Whether you are moving in a few months or a few days, it is time to get yourself in gear and get ready to move. The sooner you start, the easier the process will be. There is simply so much to accomplish that giving yourself even a few extra days to get it all done can be the difference between rushing through the last day and having it run smoothly. Everything, from packing to paperwork, can get started far in advance of your move.

Map Out The Entire Process

Take a few hours and create a to-do list for the entire moving process. It can be as detailed or as rough as you like. While it may seem silly to write down details like "pack the dishes" and "pack the rest of the kitchen appliances" separately, it will be useful to do so once you start adding due dates to the list. Due dates are exactly what will come next. Items you won't use before your move can get packed now, while items that will be inconvenient to do without should be packed in the final days before the move. Change of address forms and contacting utilities can either be spread out over the time remaining, or you can schedule a whole day to take care of this chore.

Create Moving Day Checklists

The actual day you move is likely to be hectic and stressful, and you can't really afford to forget something behind. Creating checklists will help ensure that nothing gets forgotten on such a crucial day. You can save yourself some time by creating these lists ahead of time for each of your helpers. They can change up who does each item, but at least you have an overall plan for getting everything done.

Creating a timeline helps you see exactly where you are in the moving process. Are you behind and you need to marshal some extra resources? Are you ahead and you can take a moment to breathe? Just knowing where you are in relation to your desired moving date can take a huge weight off your shoulders during this stressful time.

For a moving company, contact a company such as M Dyer & Sons Inc.


About Me

A New Business Venture

For the past several years, my friend worked as a waitress at a local restaurant. Although she enjoyed her job, she started to want to do something different with her life. After some research, she decided to start a new business. She began purchasing storage units. After buying them, she inspects the inventory in them. She then sells the inventory on the internet. So far, she’s enjoying her new career as an entrepreneur. She’s always amazed at the type of items she finds in the storage units she buys. On this blog, you will discover how to start a new business venture by selling inventory found in purchased storage units.